evening grosbeak造句
- Birds in this area include white-throated sparrows, mallard ducks, and evening grosbeaks.
- Uncommon winter visitors have included pine siskins, common redpoll, and evening grosbeak.
- Common birds include boreal owl, great horned owl, blue jay, white-throated sparrow and evening grosbeak.
- The evening grosbeak uses them extensively.
- I only learned that this is the main winter food for evening grosbeaks after I noticed that these colorful yellow birds had stopped visiting us.
- It's difficult to find evening grosbeak in a sentence. 用evening grosbeak造句挺难的
- Burney and Nora Sullivan, who live near Dahlonega, say that on a recent morning they counted 52 evening grosbeaks in the trees in their yard.
- Clements and colleagues include the evening grosbeak and the hooded grosbeak in " Coccothraustes " but the International Ornithologists'Union retain only the hawfinch in the genus.
- Some other songbirds closely related to the house finch _ purple finch, goldfinch, evening grosbeak _ have been mildly affected by the infection, but they apparently don't transmit the disease.
- And she had something exciting to report : 60 to 80 evening grosbeaks each day, something so unusual in her area that it counted as an irruption, an unusual migratory pattern.
- Many bird species are found in the forests on North Mountain, including the state's only population of blackpoll warbler; other birds seen there include evening grosbeak, northern goshawk, red crossbill, and Swainson's thrush.
- Purple finches have been flying in and so have evening grosbeaks, little bright-yellow birds with a white patch behind their black wings, dark brown heads and a nifty yellow strip over both eyes.
- Bekoff, who studies the evening grosbeak, has found that the birds aggregate in circles, rather than in lines, a formation that he has determined makes it easy for them to pay close attention to intergroup cues.
- Wild birds in which xanthochromism has been recorded include yellow wagtail, wood warbler, Cape May warbler, rose-breasted grosbeak, evening grosbeak, red-bellied woodpecker, scarlet tanager, northern cardinal, great spotted woodpecker, common tailorbird, crimson-breasted shrike, kkriki and kea.
- Other common birds include the mountain chickadee, western meadowlark, American dusky flycatcher, gray flycatcher, Hammond's flycatcher, yellow warbler, Townsend's warbler, evening grosbeak, black-headed grosbeak, Cassin's finch, pygmy nuthatch, house wren, Pacific wren, hermit thrush, Townsend's solitaire, and cedar waxwing.
- For her work as a prominent contributor to ornithological literature on the evening grosbeak and Lincoln's sparrow, the Society of Canadian Ornithologists bestow the annual " Doris Huestis Speirs Award " in her honor . " Exercise for Psyche ", the collection of Speirs'poems dating from 1922 to 1972, was published in 1973.
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